Frequently asked Questions
Updated June 2024
OK. In one sentence. What is Glimr?
Glimr is the premier app for hookups, facilitating connections and encounters among nearby individuals, with a firm commitment to ensuring complete privacy for all users.
OK. In one sentence. What is Glimr?
Glimr is the premier app for hookups, facilitating connections and encounters among nearby individuals, with a firm commitment to ensuring complete privacy for all users.
What are the age requirements to use Glimr?
Glimr is the premier app for hookups, facilitating connections and encounters among nearby individuals, with a firm commitment to ensuring complete privacy for all users.
What are the age requirements to use Glimr?
Glimr is the premier app for hookups, facilitating connections and encounters among nearby individuals, with a firm commitment to ensuring complete privacy for all users.
Is Glimr free?
Glimr is the premier app for hookups, facilitating connections and encounters among nearby individuals, with a firm commitment to ensuring complete privacy for all users.
Is Glimr free?
Glimr is the premier app for hookups, facilitating connections and encounters among nearby individuals, with a firm commitment to ensuring complete privacy for all users.
How can I make my profile stand out?
Write a bio that truly represents you, fill out your basic details. Don’t forget to upload your favorite photos!
Above all, have fun creating a profile that’s as unique as you are. :)
How can I make my profile stand out?
Write a bio that truly represents you, fill out your basic details. Don’t forget to upload your favorite photos!
Above all, have fun creating a profile that’s as unique as you are. :)
Why was my content removed by moderation?
Here are possible reasons why your content was removed by moderation:
• Violence/harm;
• Harassment/discrimination;
• An unaccompanied minor;
• Advertising or promoting other social networks and solicitation;
• Illegal content (weapons, drugs, etc.).
Keep in mind that for it to be set as your main card, the photo you are uploading needs to have quality, display your face clearly, and not include anything mentioned in the previous list.
A photo of nature, for example, cannot be set as your main photo.
Why was my content removed by moderation?
Here are possible reasons why your content was removed by moderation:
• Violence/harm;
• Harassment/discrimination;
• An unaccompanied minor;
• Advertising or promoting other social networks and solicitation;
• Illegal content (weapons, drugs, etc.).
Keep in mind that for it to be set as your main card, the photo you are uploading needs to have quality, display your face clearly, and not include anything mentioned in the previous list.
A photo of nature, for example, cannot be set as your main photo.
How do I match with someone on Glimr?
Simply sign up to start browsing profiles.
If a profile feels like a good fit, you can tap like. Alternatively, you can tap pass to skip the profile and move on.
How do I match with someone on Glimr?
Simply sign up to start browsing profiles.
If a profile feels like a good fit, you can tap like. Alternatively, you can tap pass to skip the profile and move on.
Why was my photo rejected?
At Glimr, we pride ourselves on creating a Halal and welcoming space for all our members.
We maintain strict photo guidelines, against which all new photos are assessed. Any photos which do not meet our guidelines are immediately removed for safety.
Why was my photo rejected?
At Glimr, we pride ourselves on creating a Halal and welcoming space for all our members.
We maintain strict photo guidelines, against which all new photos are assessed. Any photos which do not meet our guidelines are immediately removed for safety.
How can I be sure that a person is real?
Verified users will have a blue checkmark next to their username, indicating that their identity has been confirmed.
If you come across a suspicious account, please make sure to report it by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of their profile.
Our moderation team operates 24/7 to prevent false impersonations in our community.
How can I be sure that a person is real?
Verified users will have a blue checkmark next to their username, indicating that their identity has been confirmed.
If you come across a suspicious account, please make sure to report it by clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner of their profile.
Our moderation team operates 24/7 to prevent false impersonations in our community.
What is Selfie Verification?
To ensure every profile belongs to a real person, we use selfies to verify everyone’s identity. Simply submit your selfie and we compare it with your profile photo – that’s it! We will never share any of your personal data – including your selfie – with anyone. This private image is only used for security purposes.
What is Selfie Verification?
To ensure every profile belongs to a real person, we use selfies to verify everyone’s identity. Simply submit your selfie and we compare it with your profile photo – that’s it! We will never share any of your personal data – including your selfie – with anyone. This private image is only used for security purposes.
Do I have to pay to chat with someone?
No, not at all! Glimr will always allow its members to match and chat for free.
If you’d rather make your move without waiting for a match, you can send an Instant Chat, instead.
Do I have to pay to chat with someone?
No, not at all! Glimr will always allow its members to match and chat for free.
If you’d rather make your move without waiting for a match, you can send an Instant Chat, instead.
Do I have to upload a photo?
One of the ways we verify the authenticity of profiles is by using selfies. This means you must upload your selfie for us to compare it with your profile picture.
Do I have to upload a photo?
One of the ways we verify the authenticity of profiles is by using selfies. This means you must upload your selfie for us to compare it with your profile picture.
Why have I not got any matches?
Getting Matches can take time. Do ensure your profile is the best it can be with great photos and a catchy bio.
Ensure all sections are completed fully and your profile photos show you in your best light. First impressions count!
Why have I not got any matches?
Getting Matches can take time. Do ensure your profile is the best it can be with great photos and a catchy bio.
Ensure all sections are completed fully and your profile photos show you in your best light. First impressions count!
How can I block a user?
To block an account, please go to their profile and click on the three dots in the upper right corner. You can choose to report them as well.
When you block someone, they immediately stop being able to see any content generated by you, including profile information and cards. They also lose the ability to contact you.
How can I block a user?
To block an account, please go to their profile and click on the three dots in the upper right corner. You can choose to report them as well.
When you block someone, they immediately stop being able to see any content generated by you, including profile information and cards. They also lose the ability to contact you.
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Copyright © 2024 All Right Reserved | Made by Glimr with ❤️
Copyright © 2024 All Right Reserved | Made by Glimr with ❤️